
Sunday 16 August 2015

Bed 12 finally gets framed

Cleared the weeds in the cabbage and cauliflower beds. Still no heads on the cauliflowers. Installed the timbers  to bed 12 by digging out the plastic and forming a heap in the middle of the bed. As I raked the soil back from the heap I extracting stone as I levelled the bed again. I dismantled the 1.2x1.2m decking frame as they are too heavy for portable hoop frames really and made ideal end timbers for the bed. So I have two left over for another bed.

I've sown mustard as a green manure, forgetting I was going to use that bed to overwinter Japanese Senshyu onions so I may have to swap 12 and 11 and put beetroots in 12 and the Overwinter onions in bed 11. 61 of the 72 Onions sown have germinated in the little greenhouse behind the patio doors to the kitchen.

Derek the site rep from Spencer Road Allotment around the corner from mine popped in to see how I was doing.

Harvested French and Runner Beans and a couple of very long cucumbers and a Cabbage today.

Had a tidy in the shed. Topped up the Daleks with Cabbage leafs and grape vine trimmings. 

Friday a small whitlow appeared on my finger and I have applied magnesium sulphate paste and kept of covered but it's now 3 time as big and really tender. I kept if covered today but knocked the blasted thing a couple of times. Slowed me down and I took a few more breaks during the morning on the plot.

Next visit sieve the soil from the Runner Bean trench that is currently in the flower buckets and the pillow mound from bed 11 and top up bed 13. I have enough mustard seed to do another bed of green manure.     

I will have to see if Bob can arrange some more woodchip as its very soil like around bed 12 and weed were taking hold. I do have some in large tugs as a backup if not. 

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