
Sunday 7 December 2014

Potatoes, Sprouts & Compost

Got down the allotment about 8:30 and it started to rain a little so I spent some time tidying up the greenhouse and making some soft bricks.

As the showers stopped I harvested two carrier bags of sprouts, and cut up the foliage and filled up Dalek 2 to the rim again and placed a layer of leafs in Daleks 3 and 4. Each sprout has about 100 - 150mm of sprouts at the top and they are holding on to their leafs.

The larger of the cauliflower I had left yesterday had discoloured and I could have kicked myself from not harvesting it yesterday. I ended up turning it into compost food and as only the smaller one was left, that ended becoming compost food as well. A sprinkling of coffee grounds went over the top of the cabbage and sprout greens.

I'm not sure about how healthy the over winter spring onions are looking but the onion sets are doing really well.

I was going to harvest some of the new potatoes from the flower buckets, but it started to rain again and I'd had enough so I made my way home about 12:30ish.

I was happy to be out in the daylight, it was not too cold, but I don't do wet. I still have so much to do on the plot. Wednesday a friend is helping shift a load of timber joist from my sisters property to the allotment so I can make the raised beds around beds 15A & 15B. There should also be some that I can use with the glass frames I have to form cold frame type covers for the beds to warm the soil in spring.
Note to self - Move some of the potato buckets into the greenhouse so they can dry out and make harvesting a bit of a cleaner job.   

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