
Sunday 14 December 2014

Fox Attacked Hoop Frame

On the allotment about 8:30 and worked up to 1:00 - Frost on the cars and so cold I had on my Mc Fly baseball cap.

Cleared out the acco drain to the drive yesterday and got a flower bucket and a half of very wormy compost out of it, also two black sacks of leafs from the front and back garden. Then there was a square flower bucket of runner beans that have been chopped up for compost, and a black sack or paper shredding's. All taken down to the allotment and thus the compost bins was the first job on the agenda.

Next empty out all the new potatoes from the flower buckets

The foxes have been bouncing on the cage over the sprouts and had dug a trench along the 8ft side but could not get in but they had made the hoops collapse, so I dismantled the netting and hoops and harvested the remaining  sprouts. Fox damaged enclosure picture below.
I managed to clear bed 7 and spread a layer of farmyard compost, and re-cover with a couple of slug traps under the weed membrane.

Time goes too fast and before I knew it, it was time to come home.

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