
Tuesday 4 February 2014

Tuesday 4th February 2014 - Where to put the Greenhouse

This head cold woke me up about 5:00 ish so I've been tinkering with the Allotment Plan for this year - The Greenhouse is going onto bed 6 which being 2.4m long leaves 600mm to one side - not sure what to grow there at the moment? Something short so as not to provide shade me thinks, perhaps the Kleine Rhinlanderin Peas I picked up yesterday from Lidl, as they only grow 300 - 400mm high.

I will see on site if I can place the Black Dalek next too the Green Dalek giving me a longer plot 15A 

I'm thinking I may put Comfrey all along the boundary with Plot 1 and perhaps along the paths at 15A and 15B in the triangular area - I don't think you can have too much Comfrey.

I may switch beds 7 & 8 putting the 1st Early Potatoes near to the patio area.

Another thought  I had is where to store the pop bottle cloches once there work is done, I could put posts along the path and use them as a wind break later in the season, or perhaps as a square / rectangle around the corn to keep out Basil Brush and provide some protection from the wind?

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