
Tuesday 4 February 2014

3rd February 2014 - My name is Alan and I am a Seed-a-holic

Went to see a client this morning and got there early so I had to go and look in Lidl to waste some time, and the seed packets talked to me telepathically saying "buy me, buy me, buy me" I could not resist 29p a pack or 5 for a £1 it would be rude to only look. I now have a pack of water melon seeds that I'm hoping I can grow in the greenhouse. White Radish Red Radish, Leeks (which weren't on the growing agenda this year, but I will over winter) and Peppers. Bought seed Vs seeds harvested from shop bought peppers battle in the greenhouse this year me thinks.

Nice long date on the Lidl seed, so I also bought 4 packs of the 49p Garden Peas two different types, French beans, Carrot (Karnavit) early Season F1 Hybrid. Kelly wants me to grow things she enjoys eating and was upset that I didn't grow peas last year, apparently all the sweet corn are hers.

As it was nice sunny and dry I dropped off the four sun tunnels that were in the back of the car, and picked up the timber joist from my sisters that I'm going to use as a base to the Greenhouse and dropped them off at the allotment whist driving around and on my quest for a brown vent cover for the external store door.

This evening I found there was very little information on the packet of peas from Lidl so I've done some Google research and now know everything there is to know about them - You have to love Google

Doh! No more room in my two seed boxes - going to have to buy a bigger box or perhaps a third box (why do I keep buying seeds?) That's right I've become a seed-a-holic

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