Tuesday 15 October 2024

There Is Access To A Skip!

On the allotment from just after 9 until 1:45 today (Tuesday) which was way too long but I did stop have a fizzy drink and some chocolate chip cookies to keep my sugars up. The contractor was clearing plot 11 & 11A today with a mini digger and dumper, they are completely ripping up the main path and the car park, they were happy for myself and Wally to deposit our weeds in the skip, thus the extended time spent on the allotment today, because you have to make hay when the sun shines, or there is access to a skip!

Photo above is looking at the area along the boundary that I've planned to re jig for next year. The square bed is coming out between the Dalek and the water butt that at the moment is blocking the path to the secondary path between plot 1A and 2A

Timber frame with hoops moved back onto the bed behind temporarily.

Water butt moved out of the way this will go back next to the comfrey bed. 

Three new (off Freecycle) Daleks added, two to the left of the path and one to the right of the path next to the Hotbin. The plum tree will be cut down to just above the height of the Hotbin. The cuttings will go into the bottom of new raised beds.

Skewed view that shows the new Dalek layout a little clearer, the ground need digging and the bindweed removing before I dig the Daleks in place. I will then cover the ground with cardboard and new woodchips.

Blue Hoops that were leaning up against the greenhouse on the path and blocking the path for wheel barrow use now relocated behind the potting shed on the new woodchip path parallel to the potting shed and boundary wall, see next photo.

Hoops new home when not on a bed between the back of the potting shed and the boundary wall.

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