
Tuesday 8 October 2024

In My Seed Box For 2025 - Celery


Celery was the one vegetable that I have tried to grow from seed in the past but have never had a great deal of success with until I got some Tango Celery Postiplugs from Suttons in 2022. There were 18 Postiplugs when I used them in 2022 but they all went in at the same time, I just harvested from the tallest to the shortest. 

In 2023 I was planning to grow them from seeds but, the cancer and mobility issues meant that it didn't happen, so the plan was to try and grow them from seed in 2024, but my mobility issues didn't allow it. 

I will not try them in pots in the greenhouse as I have in the past but in the square foot gardening beds again on plot 1 as they were really such a success in 2022.

New to Suttons for 2023 was the Tango F1 Hybrid Seeds in 2023 they were £3.49 for 40 seeds, and they are still £3.49 at the moment.  

The web site says sow in March and April, but I think these need to be sown in mid- February and brought on before planting out after the danger of frost has passed.  I'm planning on sowing 7 seeds in Mid-Feb, 7 seeds in Mid-March and another 6 in Mid-April so I can do some successive sowing and harvesting during 2025. The first 7 plants will go out under a cloche.

The harvest period is between August to the end of October or the first frost.   

The average life expectancy for Celery Seed is 8 to 12 years, and 40 seeds should hopefully last me for 2025 and 2026, as I aim to use 20 seeds a year.  This makes the cost of growing your own celery 8.7p per plant. 

Price of Celery in 2023 was, Sainsbury 43p, Waitrose Green Celery Essential 79p Sainsbury Organic £1 and Tesco organic £1 and that's why we allotment holders and gardeners have a bash at growing a vast range of vegetables each year. 

It's a challenge, they taste better than shop bought, and they save us money, at least during the harvest period. 


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