
Monday 5 August 2024

What Can Be Grown in August

The question of what can be grown each month comes up in many Facebook groups and list are produced on so many seed supplier sites, but the site has become my go too site for this kind of information. 

It’s got lots of really useful information on it and the Author Stefan Drew has also written a number of books and guides. Seffan has list of what can be grown each months and give details about each vegetable. 

These can be grown in the UK this month

Amaranth, Broad Beans, Carrots, Chicory, Chinese Cabbage, Dwarf beans, Endive, Kale, Lambs Lettuce, Land cress, Lettuce, Japanese Onions, Salad Onions, Mizuna, Pak Choi, Peas, Radish & Mooli, Runner Beans, Spinach (perpetual), Spring cabbage, Swiss chard, Turnip, Winter purslane, Claytonia or Miner’s lettuce  

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