Monday 8 July 2024

Second level of Raised SFG Bed 1


Rain has been stopping play on the allotment and the weather person this morning said that in the last week we have had the normal rainfall for this month already, then went on to say more rain is coming !!!!

Got the second level of timbers in the square foot gardening bed assembled and took delivery of 20 no 4ft boards and 20 no 3 ft boards for the new smaller raised beds I'm going to replace the 8ft x 4ft beds with on plot 1.

Stacked the 3ft boards on the patio in between the potting shed and the Plot 1 Shed. I bought 6ft boards as the company does not sell 3ft boards, but they were happy to cut them to 3ft for me which has saved me some work. I'm happy for the banding to remain on these timbers and I will pre drill the screw holes in the ends.   

I laid some block paving to hold the boards off the woodchip and stacked the 4ft boards behind the raspberries in the boundary beds. The banding will need to be removed as the 3ft boards will lap the cut ends and will be screwed into these boards.

Something or someone has stripped my little blueberry bush of all the berries that were on it and I was going to harvest today. 

The guys delivering the scaffold boards managed to overload the wheel barrow and the wheel barrow fell over and the boards hit me across the big toe and the one next to it (index toe?) . It was an accident, but the index toe is really bruised and went more black the next day.  

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