
Saturday 1 June 2024

Planning and Reviewing June In Previous Years

Reviewing the diary over the last Eleven years for June

2013 - Potting up tomatoes & peppers, potatoes, cabbages, sprouts and sweet corn, dug beds 7 & 8  
2014 - Watering system installed on Mill Green plot 1A, Potted up Tomatoes into buckets, installed bed 12, Marrows in manure covered in cardboard. Beetroots, Harvested the first bunch of Spring onions. Harvested first early potatoes from buckets. End of the month bed 13 completed, second bed of runner beans sown.         

2015 -  Not many posts in the blog for this month in this year, it was however my first Vlog from the plot. first year trying French beans the family didn't like them and it they have not been grown again since. Potted tomatoes from vending machine cups into pots that were taken to the grow house on the plot. First year growing Marketmore cucumbers. Sweetcorn planted on Fathers day, First year for successfully growing a whole bed of Parsnips. First year for peas. Cherries on the cherry trees. Sent two Crimson Crush tomato plants.   

2016 - Very cold June. Grow House heaving with plants, Burpless Cucumber transplanted into pots, Tomatoes potted on from vending machine cups, Sprouts failed and I had to buy some. Third sowing of beetroots, First year for celery. Flooding at Wallington Railway Bridge
Second sowing of sweetcorn due to slow germination then the first sowing germinated after the first ! Drying Coffee Grounds

Mill Green - Runner beans planted out, sweetcorn planted out into beds mulched with cut comfrey, Sprouts planted out,    

Spencer Road - Onions, Potatoes, Beetroots and infrastructure works. 

Home - Tomatoes finally get transplanted into flower buckets.  

2017 - Due to wife being very ill and in hospital a couple of times, everything was late and many things just didn't happen. Sweetcorn was sown about a month later than usual, so were Beetroots, and the first early spud in buckets experiment for SoilFixer was also a month late. Very large double size Dalek picked up off Freecycle for Mill Green

2018 - Community work, clearing weeds from plot 4 for Sarah who has burn injuries and can't work her plot.  Crimson Crush & Rapunzel tomatoes planted on the plot.  Lark Sweetcorn planted, Moving slabs and kerb stones from Spencer Road to Mill Green, Sold my Handy Tiller & Generator that I had bought and had never used, Trimming tomatoes and giving a Comfrey feed, Butternut Squash in the bottom of Plot 1. Clearing Spencer Road Allotment and bringing items to Mill Green. Sowed more carrots, Spring Onions in cut down flower buckets, 24th June Cucumbers transplanted, Fixing the chairs, Comfrey pipe from Spencer Road plot set up on Mill Green, Shed maintenance replacing feather edge board, Trees from Jersey Plants Direct, 

2019 - Lots of potting up and growing in the Space Saver Greenhouse, Purchased CMH Heavy Duty Plastic Trays,  Lots of rain and flooding in the early part of the month. The contractor working on the property behind the wall cut down the trees and left branches on my shed. Lots of plums on the tree and the some bastard picked them all!  Beetroots disappointing this year wiped out by the intense heat and slugs. 24th June Butternut squash planted out, cucumbers starting to climb their framework, Trial of Nemaslug sent but they had to be stored in the fridge!, Weekend Heatwave with temperatures in 40C .Watering visits as a very dry and sunny June, Potatoes in buckets drying out very quickly, must consider toeing into the bed next year.  

2020 - Due to Covid and the lockdown I  didn't visit the allotment during June as I was shielding my wife. My daughter and son in law visited and tried to keep the allotment tidy and undertook weed management. All of my growing was done in the back garden.

2021 - First week potting on tomatoes into vending machine cups. Met Jane from idverde and she undertook the plot inspections and served no cult letters on two of the plot holders. Planting Sweetcorn into the beds. Gherkins and cucumbers potted on. Second week of June really hot and dry, mid week watering visit required. 300mm x300mm paving slabs off Freecycle used to make the path between SFG Beds 1 & 2. Making tomato planting membrane for the new narrow beds on the plot. Buying 3" spring clamps to hold the debris netting to the tube was a game changer . Lined the inside of the plot 1 Greenhouse with blue Debris netting and made it look like a TARDIS. Beetroot bed a third sown and growing. Tomato Bed 2 weeded, compost added and plants planted. Path between Rhubarb Beds 1 & 2 weeded and formed. Quadgrows finally set up in the plot 1 greenhouse.

2022 - Lots of Raspberries harvested this year, Onions harvested before they go to seed, First trial of Postiplugs from Suttons, Planting Membrane production, Kelly and Emma cleared Mares Tail, Poor sweetcorn germination so late starting off on kitchen towel in a take a way container, Sowing Cucumbers and Courgettes.

2023 - Trying to get everything up to date because of the proposed reconstruction of my jaw. I have cut back on sowing new vegetables as my girls will want to come and see me in hospital and not be down the allotment planting out watering and weeding. Setting up the Hotbin worm farm, Harvesting Raspberries , Karmen (Red), Pink Panther (Pink) and Snowball (white) Onions and Lazy Housewife French Climbing Beans, Crystal Lemon & Crystal Apple cucumbers.

To Do List   

The weather in May did not improve and that combined with my mobility issues meant that I didn't get as many visits to the allotment as I hoped I would, 105 parsnips in loo rolls transplanting into the bed and within a week the slug and snails have cleared them all. Slugs and Snails a reall problem because of all the rain we have had over Winter and Spring. 

I now have some medical boots that will go over my dressings and I'm hoping that I will be able to drive myself down to the allotment at least 2 or 3 times a week during June.  

To Do List   

Mill Green - Plot 1A
    Re Add additional supporting timbers to the roof of the shed - TBD
    • Greenhouse 1A - Modify the dormer window and replace. - DONE
    • Greenhouse 1A - Modify the frame and door - NOT DONE 
    • Greenhouse 1A - Set up more Coffee to dry out - DONE
    • Beer Traps - Set Up Beer Traps - Done some more needed  
    • Bed Near Hotbin  - Clear Netting & Hoops and Vegetation into Hotbin 

    Mill Green - Plot 1 
    • Greenhouse 1 - Modify the dormer window and replace.
    • Greenhouse 1 - Modify the frame and door - NOT DONE 
    • Raspberry Beds - Make Framework on Beds to hold canes up and keep paths clear - STARTED.
    • Square foot Garden Beds - Frames Cut and Bed 2 completed in May
    • Square foot Garden Beds - Remove the Mels Mix from Bed 2
    • Climbing Frame Greenhouse - Weed and finish of the last arm of the beds internally - STARTED .
    • Blueberry Ares - Weed and make a base then fence in using spare panel  
    • Tidy Up Behind The Shed - Weed and clear path - DONE.
    • Potatoes In Buckets - All Now Planted 
    • Beer Traps - Set Up More Beer Traps 

    • Planning - Ongoing
    • Space Saver Greenhouse - Clear and Clean then try and sow to the planned schedule.

    Sowing and Planting Plan for June    

    Week 1              Asparagus - stop harvesting
    Week 1              Cucumber (ridge) - plant out (grown indoors / shop bought)
    Week 1              Carrot (early) - harvest those sown under cloches
    Week 1              Lettuce - begin to harvest
    Week 1              Sweet Peppers - harden off
    Week 2              Cauliflower (summer) - begin to harvest
    Week 2              Kale (curly) - transplant to final position
    Week 2              Plum - prune from now to mid July
    Week 2              Potatoes - potash feed fortnightly
    Week 2              Swede - thin seedlings in stages to 25cm apart
    Week 2              Sweet Pepper - move to final position
    Week 2              Turnip - begin to harvest
    Week 2              Melons – F1 Mangomel - Plant Out
    Week 2              Melons – Rugoso di Consenza Giallo Plant Out
    Week 3              Carrot Onwards- harvest as they become ready
    Week 3              Cauliflower (autumn) - plant outside
    Week 3              Cucumber (ridge) - prune main stem
    Week 3              Spinach - harvest spring grown leaves
    Week 3              Radish – Sow fortnightly
    Week 3              Spring Onions – Sow fortnightly
    Week 3              Lettuce – Sow fortnightly
    Week 4              Cauliflower (autumn) - begin weekly feed

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