
Wednesday 22 May 2024

#nakedgardening Facebook Group

You may be excused for thinking that this might have something to do with the annual Naked Gardening Day normally held on the first Saturday of May, however it's a facebook group set up by Guy Grieve

Those of you that are regular readers of my recall that name because I wrote an article about Guy and introduced him and his awesome compost and new company Atlantic Garden back in April.

Guy is a former scallop-diver launched the UK’s first ever peat-free, organic seaweed compost that is sold in 100% compostable or ‘naked’ packaging in later 2023. His mission is to eradicate the 100 million single-use compost bags that are sold to UK gardeners each year.

#NakedGardening movement

The term ‘naked gardening’ was first used by Atlantic Garden’s founder, Guy Grieve, during a meeting with his fellow allotment owners at his plot in Edinburgh. He comments:

“Introducing seaweed to the soil was a big step, but as soon as I presented my fellow gardeners with a fully ‘naked compost’ - no plastic bag - the naked gardening movement truly took off.

“We want to get the #nakedgardening movement trending throughout UK gardens. By sharing and innovating the ‘naked’ no-nasties products and solutions, we can help gardeners do their bit and strip the bad stuff out while letting the good stuff grow.”

As can be seen from the areal view of my plots "Avalon" and the amount of different types of compost bins, I'm very much into making as much as my own compost as possible.

Guy and Atlantic Garden’s commendable ethos is to promote and encourage home composting first and foremost and invite people to purchase its sustainable seaweed-enriched compost to top-up or give that extra special treat to a prize vegetable patch or flourishing flower bed 

Atlantic Garden is working closely with partners on the West coast of Scotland to grow seaweed. They have already established a 3km sugar kelp farm on the Isle of Mull from which they hope to harvest 30 tonnes of gorgeous kelp this summer.  

They also bring in sustainably hand gathered seaweed and seaweed from other farmers in Scotland.

By buying a bag of beautiful seaweed enriched compost from Atlantic Garden you are helping them to play a small part in repaying our great debt to the sea.

Without the sea, Atlantic Garden is nothing. So they decided that every bag they sell will lead to a contribution to The Scottish Coastal Clean-Up which is an incredible charity which is profoundly dedicated to clearing marine plastic waste from beaches in Scotland.

 Atlantic Garden hope that you will be proud to know that you help them, to help this great charity with every purchase you make.

Atlantic Garden Organic Peat Free Seaweed Enriched Compost (40 Litres) Cost £13.99 and that price includes the shipping costs. If you order two of more boxes then there is a 10% Discount applied to your order.

Your order for each 40 litres will be packed into two bags of 20 litres each, and placed in a single box.  The bags, box, tape and label are all 100% home compostable.  thus Zero waste.  Atlantic Garden are not interested in flashy packaging or shiny plastic.  It’s what is in the bag that counts.

In fact Atlantic Garden are one of the only compost suppliers who has taken the time to ensure that you can compost your bags.  

However you need to help them too.  When your beautiful Atlantic Garden compost arrives you have one week to keep it in the bag…  Any longer and it will actually start to compost I had one of the first batches of their compost to trial and didn't know about how environmentally friendly the bags were as can be seen in the photo above !!  

If you don’t plan to use it straight away just pour the contents into a holding bag or container and cover it.  Atlantic Gardens compost packaging will home compost in 180 days.  Please do tell them how it goes as they are somewhat obsessed by the subject!

To get your feedback Guy has created a #nakedgardening Facebook Group to help gardeners and home composting heroes ‘start stripping’ and sharing their naked gardening experiences here:

If you are already sold on buying some of Atlantic Garden’s compost Click Here

I love to see an ethical, newly formed UK based companies launch and thrive and as someone who formed his own company ten years before I retired, I’m always happy to assist in promoting new UK companies that have a great service or product, and I wish Guy and Atlantic Garden every success.

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