
Sunday 10 March 2024

Raising My SFG Beds


Once I'm mobile again, I'm looking to raise the square foot gardening beds that I put in a couple of years ago. 

The photo above is before the potting shed went in, and I've marked in showing another two layers of timber joist to raise the beds up to make it easier for me to get at, as I now have mobility issues following 2023 which was my annus horribilis.

I will be removing the Mels Mix that went into these beds and getting back down to where the cardboard was laid down, not that I'm expecting to actually find any cardboard, then I will be filling with the hedge cuttings and perhaps some of the plum tree that needs some serious pollarding, if not removing as I never get any plums from it. 

I will also put in a layer or two of woodchip, perhaps from some paths that need refreshing as we are supposed to be receiving good path quality wood chip shortly. Then put the modified Mels mix back on top and hopefully fill the new raised beds to the top.

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