
Friday 8 March 2024

Growing Brassicas From Seed

The last few years I've had some true successes and some failures growing brassicas. This year I'm hoping to avoid the seedings dying due to excessive heat if possible and I have sown my first batch already and some varieties have germinated much faster that others and have grown leggy on the window cill very fast that I have no choice but to get them out into the Space Saver Greenhouse, for more daylight.

I need to keep an eye on the temperatures in the space saver greenhouse as a few days ago on the 4th of March I recorded these notes:- 

Notes from the 4th March 

10:00 am Its crazy 7C outside at the moment but between 33.3 - 37.7C in the Space Saver Greenhouse because of the sun on it. I may have to go and put the debris netting down to give it a little shade, as my spuds are chitting out there.

11:27am and the greenhouse is now going into shade and the temperatures have dropped to 26.9 & 30C outside is now 8C

3:00pm and the sun has long since gone as there is now cloud cover and the temperatures in the space saver are 16-1 - 16.2C Its quite amazing how a little sun ramps up the temperatures. I have a wi-fi set up so I can monitor the temperatures so that in the summer I can shade or open the door to keep the temperatures inside to a nice level. Outside temperature 7C

5:00pm Temperatures now down to 11.9 & 12.4C inside the Space Saver Greenhouse and still 7C outside. I've just resent Max and Min to see how low it goes tonight as it's due to go down to 4 - 5C over night. 

I will be sowing more in a couple of weeks time as we get nearer to the last frost date so they can be planted out in the allotment at the appropriate time. 

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