
Thursday 29 February 2024

Watching The Weather

Despite the cold temperatures and the record breaking amount of rain for February this year, It's been good to have a couple of bright sunny days recently. 

With it getting brighter earlier and staying lighter later and knowing that sowing frenzy time is approaching for my area, I'm now taking a little more interest in the weather and the temperatures, I do after all have potatoes chitting in the space saver greenhouse without their insulated mushroom trays. 

Looks like a cold dip again over this weekend, but some sunny weather popping up and hopefully some windows of opportunity for me to try and get down to the allotment.

One has to remember that although it look like spring is on its way, we are only really in Fools Spring at the moment  and history has taught me that anything can and will happen weather wise in the next two months before our usual last frost date of the end of April. 

Today there will be some more sowing of cabbages to go on the back bedroom window cill and once they are germinated they will go out into the space saver greenhouse.  

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