
Sunday 11 February 2024

D.T.Brown - New Melon for 2024 Budgie

D.T.Brown sent me a pack of Budgie F1 melon seeds that have been added to their catalogue for 2024. Currently being sold at 10 seeds for £3.59

Packed year ending July/23 and Sow By date recommend on the pack of Dec/26 Melon seeds actually last between 5 - 8 years if stored correctly. 

Again another very short description for these seeds on the D.T.Browns web site that says:- 

"An unusual Asian variety with a fresh tangy-sweet flavour. The bushy plants show good resistance to downy and powdery mildew."

If you click on the Growing Tips field you get this information 

"SOW INDOORS January-April, singly into pots, 0.5cm/quarter inch deep. Keep at 20-25C/68-75F. Harden off late May. Plant out at 4-5 leaf stage to growing bags in the greenhouse, or a warm, sheltered area in the garden, spaced 45cm/18in. apart. 

Train main stems up vertical wires and remove the growing points at approx. 7th leaf stage."

Information missing from the web page but on the pack below:-

"Feed regularly when fruit sets. 

Harvest July - October. Outdoor crops from late August."

This year it appears that web authors for seed companies are being very lazy on not putting all the information on the pack on the web site pages. 

Suttons and Dobies, web pages for their new vegetables have also been lacking with them also getting the graphics incorrect for sowing transplanting and harvesting. I do give feedback to all companies when I find errors and short comings on their web pages.  

I'm really looking forward to trying these in the greenhouse and outside against my wall under a glass panel this year. 

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