
Friday 16 February 2024

D.T.Brown - New for 2024 Arielle Cherry Tomato

D.T.Brown very kindly sent me a packet of a New Tomato called (Cherry) Arielle that has been added to their catalogue for 2024. Their web site says very little about the tomato.  

"A perfectly versatile tomato, can be dried on the vine for concentrated sweet flavour and long storing. Indeterminate, for the greenhouse or outside." 

I do love a cherry tomato and this one will be grown in one of the greenhouses this year 

Its being sold at £4.99 for 5 seeds 

SOW January-March (for indoor crops) or March-April (for outdoor crops), thinly 0.5cm/quarter-inch deep, in pots of compost. Transplant when seedlings are 10cm/4in tall to individual pots and when large enough to patio pots, grow bags or the greenhouse border.

Keep at 15-20C/60-68F.  For outdoor crops harden off in June and grow in a sunny sheltered location.

Pinch out side shoots and growing tips of plants once 4 - 5 trusses have set. Feed regularly when fruit sets and keep well watered. 

Harvest from June to October 

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