
Monday 5 February 2024

Afternoon Visit To The Allotment

Sneaky photo taken by Emma from inside the potting shed of me taking a few photos of the Raspberry Beds before we came home.  

This afternoon my eldest daughter Emma drove me down to my allotment so that I could take items like bags of compost, coffee grounds, cardboard, and giant gardening trays, that needed to go down there. 

I also needed to do some more clearance and tidying up of the potting shed, so that it's ready for March when sowing really gets cracking. 

Emma has wanted to get me out of the house for a while, because it's becoming a bit of a prison just due to my mobility issues, or more accurately, lack of mobility issues. Plus she knows what a positive effect it has on my mental well being being down there. 

This was the photo I was taking as Emma was taking a photo of me from the potting shed! 

Emma cut the Winter raspberries from the remaining beds, and has laid them on the path ready for our resident paramaniac, "John" to collect and burn. She also weeded and cleared debris from the allotment plot as we have a skip in our pick-up and drop-off area we are not allowed to call it a car park, because all the allotments in the borough will want one. 

I need to build some cage framing around the raspberry beds to hold back the raspberries this year, as just fixing back to the wires between the scaffold poles, just doesn't really work. I need to keep the paths between the rows of raspberries accessible and clear.

The skip looks to be full and in need of emptying and then returning for round two. 

My legs are too bad for me to walk up the site to see how much idverde and the plot holders have managed to clear off the vacant plots that were used as a tip by the previous tenants, but we always knew it was going to be more than one skip load to clear those plots. 

Yes getting in and out of the car is painful, and it's painful walking and standing for extended period of time but Emma and I managed about an hour and a half before I'd had enough. 

I was delighted just to get down to my happy place and with what I managed to achieve in the potting shed. Which I must say is looking much more organised and I brought home trays and modules to clean and get ready for action. 

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