
Saturday 27 January 2024

First Visit Of The Year

As regular visitors to know, my daughters have been looking after my allotment for me during my radiotherapy for cancer and following the problems with swelling to my legs due to a side effect of one of the medications I was on and the following leg ulcers that formed to let the water out of my legs, my mobility had been compromised. 

Nurses are coming 3 times a week to try and help me get on top of the ulcers, the swelling in the legs has greatly reduced and I'm on two different methods of compression to assist my body to push the water back out of my legs. 

The left leg is doing much better than the right which is extremely painful and sore, and progress is slow but moving in the right direction. 

I finally found some footwear that I can get on with all the bandages and dressings, so I can venture out side the house again. 

With the weather being dry for a couple of days asked my eldest daughter if we could visit the allotment for an hour so that I could tidy the potting shed and set my potatoes that have arrived up for chitting. 

Bless her she re arranged her afternoon to take me, and it was so nice to see the allotment and to see three other plot holders. An hour was about all I could do, as by then my leg and foot were getting really painful, but in that time I did sort out the staging and got the potatoes in their cosy insulated mushroom trays. 

Emma continued to tidy the plot as we have a skip on site, and recover items moved around and blown away by the recent high winds like lids to dustbins and the incinerators and one of the dormers built for the greenhouses. I'm hoping for another short visit to the allotment soon, when Emma is on an early shift as its getting darker a little later each day. 

Next month I have four hospital appointment, which include two at the Royal Marsden for a PET Test, then a second to get the results of the PET test and find out what the radiation treatment managed to achieve, then two further appointments at St Georges with hematology and the maxi facial specialist.   

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