
Monday 6 November 2023

Moving Mulch

I managed to get to the allotment this morning thanks to my sister Elaine coming early and sorting out my legs and socks for me.

My daughter Emma had previously removed all the mares tail and other weeds from the All Gold Raspberry Boundary beds and the level below the top of the frame was about 50mm.
With the pile of very rotten wood chip/mulch reducing in the car park I though I would see how much I could barrow in and place.

I got a little over half way and then told myself I had to keep going until I had done the lot.

It knackered me completely, and after returning home for lunch I slept most of the afternoon but it was worth it to actually achieve a completed job on the plot.

It knackered me completely but it looks so good

I used the last of the mulch worthy woodchip and hopefully we can get some more path worthy woodchip delivered soon
Working on the plot this morning was the most alive I have felt in recent weeks, until I got home and flumped. I'm looking forward to sleeping less and recovering from the Radiotherapy side effects more in the coming weeks.
Factor 50+ sun cream applied as that's what has been advised for me in the future.

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