
Sunday 2 July 2023

Doing Odds & Sods

A visit to the allotment this afternoon to trim the path only to find out that the strimmer line is naff and breaks every couple of minutes. So I gave up on that.

Ended up processing Coffee Grounds and filling the tins with fresh grounds to dry out in the plot 1A greenhouse.

Harvested Raspberries

Untangled Lazy Housewife climbing beans on the frame.
Tied up climbing cucumbers

Fertilised the coffee grounds & Watered the greenhouse climbing frame

Filled the bottles with water for watering the micro & Mini Toms in the Plotting shed.

Unnetted the courgette & Butternut squash beds now large enough to resist the foxes.

Clipped back the climbing tomatoes

Clipped back the climbing tomatoes

Onions growing well

Grapevine needs pruning

Uncovered the courgettes & Butternut squash as getting to big for the shallow hoops and netting.

Onions growing well

Greenhouse Climbing Frame

Spotted cucumbers in the Greenhouse Climbing Frame

Crystal Apple & Crystal Lemon Cucumbers not climbing very high and getting bushy

Sweet peas growing up the gable of the Greenhouse Climbing Frame

Cucumbers climbing well on the side of the Greenhouse Climbing Frame

Charlotte Potatoes in flower & harvested Raspberries.

Mini & Micro tomatoes doing well and in flower.

Re sealed the tap on the Quadgrow water butt for the plot 1 greenhouse 

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