
Saturday 3 June 2023

Weeding Paths

A big thank you to my plot neighbour who lives on the 4th floor of the block behind my plot for taking some aerial photographs of my plot and our allotment site.

Mill Green Allotment Site

A couple of short visits in the last two days, Friday late afternoon to pot on some more tomatoes in the Westland Horticulture v Dalefoot Composts Tomato Compost challenge / head to head / Grow Off and Today when Daughter Emma and Husband Andy came to help by weeding around the beds and paths and of course bought cookies for the coffee break.

Pair No 1

Pair No 2

Pair No 3 and plant in Westland Horticulture compost looking much larger than the Dalefoot Composts counterpart at the moment.

Nice root system in the Westland Horticulture plant on the left.

Westland Horticulture plant slightly larger than the Dalefoot Composts counterpart at this stage.

Potting up of the pairs.

Last Thursdays Potting up of the pairs.

Andy and I cleared the debris and weeds and tomorrow I will cut out the roots of the tree and infill the area with the slabs I picked up from Freecycle. I need a little table there for putting out plants to harden off.

I took the debris netting off the strawberries and covered with some light mesh to stop the squirrels from nicking the strawberry plants.

Emma needs to find the larger loppers!

Emma has done a great job of pulling up lines of mare tail roots from the paths

So nice to see the weeds around the outside of the beds and the inside between the planting membrane and the timber frames gone.

Onions doing very nicely now. and Lazy Housewife runner beans growing taller since being transplanted.

So extent of weeding the paths and around the bed frames has got to the leaf cage that was topped up today b Andy after I cleared the mesh panels off the top of the existing pile in the cage.

Coffee and Cookie break

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