
Tuesday 20 June 2023

Jaw Biopsy 4th try

So far I have had two teeth removed and two biopsies taken each time, they have also taken two biopsies via my neck into my mandible and a number into my lymph glands in my neck and still George's(The tumour) real name and identity is unknown, so now as I've been to the limit of what I can ensure using local anaesthetic the plan is to have me in and put me under a general and take samples and a section of jaw. 

Kelly came with me but was not allowed in the waiting room area so sat outside but kept a watchful eye on me. Then I was taken in to the prep area, got changed and then down to have the general anaesthetic.  

Photo I sent the girls as Emma was also now waiting to get her Dad back, once I had woke up and was in the recovery room 

Photo I sent the girls before going to bed, yep the face had swollen more and would continue to swell for the next couple of days making eating a real struggle.  

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