
Thursday 4 May 2023

Spuds In Buckets & Solar Power Water Pump

A full day 9am - 5:30pm on the allotment taking the PowerPlanter auger to the compost in the second Dalek to give the ants time to evacuate the remains of the first Dalek.

Two Buckets of 4 spuds/bucket of the Charlottes added

One Bucket of 4 spuds/buckets of the Swift added

Four Buckets of 6 spuds/large round buckets of the Maris Peer's

With space in the potting shed, a tidy up and water top up of the self watering pop bottle propagators.

Bed 9 got a dressing of soil improver from last years compost and coir that was used to grow potatoes last year.

Solar water pump set up in the Pebble Pool. 

I installed the solar water pump in the pebble pool today as the risk if frost is over.

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