
Tuesday 16 May 2023

Larger Seedlings Into Individual Pots

16th May on Avalon, I started to pot on the larger seedlings into individual pots, started to clear the bindweed that is taking over the walking onion bed, planted the gifted apple tree, made a couple of signs and basically let the allotment do what it does to me ...

It gives me some tranquillity and help me ignore the constant white noise in my ear/head, It is my happy place!

Nice to see such a nice root structure.

Potting into individual pots.

Potting into individual pots.

I unscrewed the cap to the bottle

I pushed the capillary matting bung up into the pop bottle and pushed out the soil and seedlings.

And there they are side my side.

Staging inside the Forest Garden potting shed at the end of play before going home for a quick evening meal before going to Wimbledon Theater to see Fisherman's Friends which was fantastic.

The mini greenhouse has been removed from the staging as it has served it purpose now and I need more space as I start potting on.

Its funny how seedings seem to grow magically as you pot them up.

Tomorrows seedlings to be potted up

Block Paving marked up with status / contents to go in the lids of the Daleks to help them resist blowing off in the wind. This will also help me keep a track of what I have where, and when I'm in hospital and the family are looking after the plot for me it will help them find stuff.

Courgettes, Cucumbers and Luffa

Only 5 sweetcorn of the second variety showing, which is a little disappointing

Climbing and French Beans doing well, and they will be going in the ground shortly.

Self seeded tree that I should have pulled last year suddenly has a lot of leaf cover and looks a lot bigger!

You old bean are coming out of the bed when I get to clear it.

I removed the climbing bindweed and then fixed the sway bracing and a sloping bamboo that had broken on the runner bean cantilever frame so it's ready for action/

Gifted Apple Tree planted to replace the one that got vandalised last year.

I removed the timber frame that had warped and will get into the bed and remove the bindweed more next visit.

Nice to see the blossom is turning into apples

Nice to see the blossom is turning into apples

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