
Thursday 18 May 2023

Fitting Out The Potting Shed

A morning and an afternoon session on the allotment today, This morning I finished fitting out the inside of the
Forest Garden Potting Shed such that when I'm having my surgery sometime next month to reconstruct my jaw assiming they get the results from the biopsy they are looking for, that Emma, Kelly and Andy can find everything they need when they go to work on the allotment for me whilst I can't.

A fellow plot holder John gave me some of his strawberry runners to go into my raised planter, as the squirrels decided to eat dig up and take away the ones I

The afternoon session was basically potting up more seedings including some additional varieties of tomatoes that I want to grow in the Westland Horticulture V Dalefoot Composts Tomato Compost Head to Head.

Daughter Kelly came down after work and finished weeding Bed 15 which ironically is going to be one of the Sweetcorn Beds.

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