
Monday 8 May 2023

Busy Morning On The Plot

I had the water going on the hedge cuttings in the trench and then finally loaded some full flower buckets on the hedge to compress it down before I backfill.

SFG Bed 2 cleared of Mares tail two weeks ago is once again full of it. Don't anyone tell me that laying cardboard and no dig works and keeps weeds at bay! It's simply not true.

New Dalek started off comfrey on top of grass cuttings. I need to generate some more browns.

This morning I visited the allotment after picking up two boxes of grass from my sister to add to two active Daleks. I also harvested some comfrey to add to the newly started Dalek.

4/8 Butternut Squash have come up over the last couple of days.

Lazy Housewife Runner Beans and Organdi French Beans germinating well

Ramrod Spring Onions doing well, it's now time to sow another tray load of bunches.

Eden F1 Sweetcorn popping up through the soil already.

The Eden Sweetcorn are breaking the surface.

New water jet surround that I started yesterday and finished today that can't fall into the pond put in place to keep frogs and muck out of the Pebble Pool.

I need some pea shingle and some nice stones to pick out the flower feature better in the outer ring.

I undertook a seedling audit in the potting shed to give me a picture on how things are progressing and what I may need to sow some more off.
Potting Shed SOWN LIST
Germination rates 4/6 = 4 germinated from 6 sown
Aubergine – Three Knights - 10/10
Broccoli – Blue Finn - 6/6
Broccoli – Claret - 4/6
Broccoli – Gemini - 3/6
Broccoli – Purple Rain – 6/6
Brussel Sprout – Brodie – 0/6
Brussel Sprout – Eversham Special – 0/6
Brussel Sprout – Fillbasket – 0/6
Butternut Squash – 4/8
Cauliflower – All Year Round – 4/6
Cauliflower – Amsterdam F1 – could not find!
Cauliflower – Sunset- 1/6
Cauliflower – Zaragoza F1 – 4/6
Courgette - Summer Holiday 0/6
Cucumber – Achoca Fat Baby – 0/6
Cucumber – Burpless – 5/6
Cucumber – Crystal Apple – 2/6
Cucumber – Crystal lemon – 0/6
Cucumber – Esmarald – 4/6
Cucumber – Kiwano – 0/6
Gourd – Luffa – 7/10
Parsnips – Gladiator 96 Sown once germinated
Peppers – Red – 0/6
Peppers – Yellow - 0/6
Peppers -
Radish – Sow another Batch
Spring Onions – Ram Rod – 250 seeds / 1 Tray
Spring Onions – Sow another batch
Sweetcorn – Eden F1 23 Seeds
Sweetcorn – Illusion F1 21 Seeds
Tree Spinach – 0/6
Tomato – Aztek – 2/6
Tomato – Crimson Crush – 4/6
Tomato – Gigantomo – 4/6
Tomato – Hahms Glebe – 4/6
Tomato – Micro Tom – 4/6
Tomato – Maskotka – 1/6
Tomato – Merrygold – 6/6
Tomato – Rapunzel – 3/6
Tomato – Red Robin – 6/6
Water Melon – Amarillo Oro 4/6

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