
Monday 29 May 2023

Bank Holiday

Monday Bank Holiday

Another long day on the allotment doing things I had not planned and not completing things I had planned. Does that happen to you?
I had planned to get the Plot 1 Greenhouse clear and ready for action and perhaps even get the Quadgrows going and the first tomatoes transplanted into them.
Then I saw that the sun has been drying the woodchip pile and that there was lots of nice dry woodchips on top of the pile that has been there way too long.

I decided that the first job of the day should be to skim the good material off the surface before someone else had the same idea, and complete the path to my Greenhous Climbing Frame from the pebble pool.
I sorted the storage crates out from behind the plot 1 shed and labelled them "Blank Sheets" and "Planting Sheets" and proceeded to sort and clean all the weed membrane & planting sheets that have been squirrelled away all over the place and store them away in the crates for easy access.
I also need to work out what other planting membrane sheets I need to make for this year.
Time is getting short and I really want to get everything in the ground before I have my operation so that the allotment only need watering and some weeding whilst I'm out of action.

Potatoes in buckets showing.

Excess undried coffee grounds now being stored in a Dalek and not the greenhouse as I need space in the greenhouse to grow.

Washing Planting Membrane Sheets

Washing Planting Membrane Sheet

A bit of a sort out in the potting shed as items are now being moved out to harden up or go straight into the ground.

Burpless Tasty Green Cucumbers into Square Foot Garden Bed 2 and I found the other two watering pipes that will go into SFG Bed 1.

Dwarf French Beans planted up last night and tonight Crystal Apple and Crystal Lemon & an additional Luffa added to the Climbing frame.

I need an overcast day to dig out the return leg of the bed and install the hedge cuttings and raise the bed up and get it ready for planting as I have some French climbing beans to plant in there

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