
Friday 19 May 2023

Allotment Therapy In The Afternoon.

After a bit of a stressful morning, having a 40 minute MRI, I was ready for some Allotment Therapy in the afternoon.

So I took myself down to Avalon (Plot 1 & 1A ) and set about making the bottom of the U beds in the Greenhouse Climbing Frame.
Then I laid some cardboard and went to the woodchip pile that has been there way too long and skimmed off all the dry solid woodchips up as most of it has now turned into very dark looking mulch worthy but not path worthy material.
I just managed to get enough to lay the path in the Greenhouse Climbing Frame.
I took a couple of bucket loads of the very weathered and rotted woodchips and put it in an active Dalek as a browns layer and then noticing how much the Comfrey has grown in just over a week, cut up 30 litres of comfrey and added that in a layer on top of the layer of grass and then rotting woodchip. I have to keep the alternate layers of green and brown material going.

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