
Saturday 13 May 2023

A Great Day On The Allotment

A great day on the allotment with daughter Emma and son-in-law Andy who have both worked really hard to help me get a lot of things that I need to get completed done.

We all worked on removing the roof from the climbing frame and installing a horizontal tie making the roof an A frame so that I can line the skeiling and the raised ceiling tie with pea mesh.

Section of trench excavated and filled with hedge cuttings. Then covered with square flower buckets of soil to compress the hedge cuttings.

Section of trench excavated and filled with hedge cuttings. Then covered with Buckets of soil to compress the hedge cuttings.

I cut and bent the ends of the L shape bracing members to form the Ceiling Ties and here is a photo of them once all installed. I will need to get some pea netting to make a ceiling for the growing vegetables to climb along and around.

Greenhouse Climbing Frame, and nice to see that my neighbour on Plot 2 & 2A has finally cleared the weeds as he fixed his broken strimmer.

Andy & Alan working on the Greenhouse Climbing Frame.

The hedge cuttings were well watered and then the square flower buckets of excavated material were placed on top to compressing the hedge cuttings, before we backfill.

Raised Planted with Strawberry plants curtesy of Wally. The squirrels dug the plants up I had in a tray so these are being protected from them with netting.

Clearing the paths of Mares Tail and other weeds.

Early Raspberries forming nicely.

Emma weeded and removed the Mares Tail and weeds from most of the paths on plot 1.

Cucumbers and Luffa Plants need potting in the Greenhouse Climbing Frame soon.

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