
Thursday 2 March 2023

Working My Way Towards The Corner

Another 3 hours on the plot today with "Thing" lending a hand again, 9 degrees C and sunny it was really quite a nice visit for early March.

More soil processed in the rotary sieve and the boundary beds topped up again, paths formed and the pebble pool located up against the boundary beds.

Another section of paths weeded, membraned and woodchipped as I work my way into what will be the mesh covered greenhouse frame in the corner, for climbing vegetables and plants.

Above is a photo of "Thing" who has been giving me a hand to get these works done. He is sitting on the edge of the bottom liner to the Pebble Pool that will have a solar powered water pump in and will provide a water feature on the plot that will benefit the bees on the allotment, and will just look nice.

I picked up the two pebble pools off freecycle a couple of years ago and they have been sitting behind my greenhouse waiting for me to get to this point where I'm completing the end of plot 1 on the main path.

I will be cutting a square of weed membrane to go under the pools bottom liner that will extend over the timber frame and then I will take the pebbles out to the edges of the frame. I used the pots that are seen sitting in the liner to form the recess in the woodchips that I filled the box up with. At the moment they will just stop the liner filling with water when it rains.

I will finish the install of the pebble pool & solar water pump once the risk of frost is over.

View of the paths and Pebble Pool looking up the site towards the Potting Shed base. The potting shed is on order and I'm waiting to hear when I will be delivered, hopefully at the end of next week or the week after as I really want to get it erected as soon as possible and get cracking fitting it out and using it.

finding good quality woodchips on the pile that has been there way too long in the drop off and pick up area, has been really difficult, once you have skimmed off the dry surface layer that is dry what's left underneath is already going black and decaying and makes for a good mulch  .

I have two scaffold poles to install in the last Raspberry bed, but at the moment they are a little long so, they will have to wait until I bring the grinding wheel down to trim up the mesh panels that will be cladding the greenhouse frame. 

Finally all the stacked flower buckets of soil and stone in this corner are gone and now all that remains is to remove the tarps, dig and weed the area, find the bolts and assembly drawing for the greenhouse and get it erected. 

The water hosepipe seen coming out of the ground, needs to be taken into the plot and looking at this photo I may have a post and tap somewhere near the pebble pool that will connect to the watering system I have installed over plot 1 and 1A 

The balls on top of the scaffold tubes are spray foam that I squirted in a few days ago to stop the scaffold tubes filling with water and rusting from the inside out. 

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