
Monday 20 March 2023

New Delivery Date for Potting Shed

I received a Text message today that the potting shed will now be delivered mid next week. 

Looks like rain for most of the week, I have arranged with Jane from idverde to meet on the site on Friday which looks to be the best day to measure up plots 11 & 11A and hopefully try and get Sutton Council to honour the agreement they made to fund the skip so we can clear the plots and get them back into serviceable order.

The plot holders have already cleared most of the metal and had a scrap metal man take as much metal away as possible from the two overgrown and fly tipped plots. 

The head of parks, has replied to my email and side stepped most of the questions I had asked and now idverde are going to inform and remind him that one of his staff Adam Brind agreed 3 times with them to fund the skips, so removal of all the dross they had allowed the previous plot holder to accumulate could be removed. 

The council needs to support the site reps and idverde when plot holders do not work within the guideline document, and not take the "We will accept the plot holders unique way of working the plot" when in fact one could not even get into the plot because it had been made into something like a fort that kids use to build in the 50s, 60's & 70's in overgrown land along streams and railway lines.  

I'm hoping they will have good news for me on Friday or perhaps may even manage get the Head of Parks Mark Dalzell and Adam Brind down to talk to me and come up with a solution, and honour their agreement. I'm not holding my breath, but if it happens I and the plot holders of Mill Green would be overjoyed especially as we have 40 people on the waiting list for a plot. 

It now 3 weeks since I notified the council and idverde about the dangerous gas and oxygen cylinders found in the fly tipped plots that the head of parks described as "a haven for wild life rather" than its true description of looking like the aftermath of a travellers invasion, are still there and have not been removed! 

How Mark can say there has not been any miss management of allotments is beyond my and all of the plot holders on Mill Greens imagination.    

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