
Sunday 5 March 2023

Coffee & Shed

It was bloody cold this morning on the plot, but I have a bag of bolts for the greenhouse to find and a shed to finish tidying up so I was there early.

The other three all year round Sunday morning crew were also on the allotment this morning, there are so many plot holders that disappear during the late autumn and winter months. Some of those plot holders are in for a surprise this year because, idverde are getting serious about plot inspections and will be issuing 28 day no-cult notices after the Easter bank holiday if they don't see cultivation & preparation for growing.

I have to say, I have found so much stuff that I had squirreled away that I needed to find for this season and the impending arrival of the potting shed, and I can actually get to everything I need without digging now, I have to keep the shed tidy, and the floor clear in the future.

I even found a huge block of coir that I had not used and I was about to buy one for this year. Now I just need to wait for the water to be turned on so I can hydrate and expand it to it's full 75 litres volume and fill up the coir dustbin for 2023.

I raked out the evidence of dancing foxes from the Boundary beds, and sprinkled the dried coffee grounds over them as fertiliser and also as a deterrent for the foxes and the slugs and snails.

I then filled the tin foil containers back up with more of Starbucks finest and broke up the solid disks or pucks so they can dry out in the plot 1 greenhouse.

A 10 litre bucket of Kitchen waste and dead flowers was taken down and added to the next active Dalek along with a sprinkle of coffee grounds and fresh diluted "liquid gold" activator.

All the flowers from my wife's funeral came home and were in the house for a while she would have loved having that many flowers in the house. My daughter who lives with me, no so much as she really suffers with hay fever, but in fact it was my two daughters that collected them and brought them home, because that's what their Mum would have wanted.

Gradually they went out into the back garden and they have been watered and have lasted really well, and have been enjoyed much more than they would have been if they had been left down the crematorium. They would not have stayed on display for long, and you could have only enjoy them by visiting that sad place.

Gradually as they die off they are being chopped up and will be taken down to the allotment and added to the latest active Dalek.

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