
Sunday 26 February 2023

Filling The Boundary Beds

Saturday lunchtime on the plot, in the greenhouse away from the cutting wind and the little shower of rain eating a hot Cornish pasty and having a cup of coffee waiting for the rain to stop.

When it did, which was not long after consuming said pasty, I started by shovelling some of the more already decaying woodchips from the pile that have been there for some time and were turning black into the boundary beds.

Next I measured the length of the boundary beds and found the third points and marked the beds with chalk.

Then cut a square in the cardboard and then used the Ryobi Soldering Iron to burnt a hole in the weed membrane under the cardboard large enough for the Power Planter auger.

Ryobi Soldering Iron

I was on my own so could not take a photo of me actually boring the hole, so here is the next best thing a photograph of the Power Planter standing in the hole.

Here it is again, as it nears the 600mm depth, 
It didn't take long to make the 600mm deep post/ tube hole. I inserted the scaffold tubes in the holes, backfilled and tamped down the soil around them, then completed the task of half filling the beds with the woodchip.

Nice black and rotting down already as it has been in the drop off and pick up area for quite a long time, and is more ideally suited for this than paths.

Having a second cup of coffee, and sitting by the shed I was looking at the posts and thinking I'm going to have to ask Henry if I can borrow his post whacker next time I see him down here, which could be a while as his wife is expecting their second child soon.
I heard the gate go and there was Henry with his son Casper. I asked him if I could borrow it, and after a stroll to his plot and a natter I was soon back on my plot and getting the tops of the four scaffold tubes level (ish)

Midway through the leveling of the post I had just eyed up the first two posts with the whacker on the third and was working it down towards the same level.

I was quite happy with the level, just a shame about the slight lean on the third post.

And that at around 4:30 in the afternoon was when I put my tools back in the car and made my way home. Next visit saved soil and ericaceous compost to be added to the Boundary Beds

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