
Saturday 22 October 2022

In My Seed Box For 2023 - Marrow


Marrow is something that I have grown in the past, and have distributed widely to family, friend and neighbours & the Salvation Army. In 2017 I did not grow any marrows but my plot neighbours kept me supplied. In 2018 & 2019 I grew a few and distributed some as usual to the Salvation Army lady who used to live around the corner from me.

I've not grown Marrow between 2020 and 2022. I see Marrow as a bed filler if I don't have anything else planned. 
Marrows are ideal for making sure that you reach the required cultivation level for the plot inspection, and that you supress the weeds as much as possible. You just have to be careful as they like to explore the neighbouring plots if not kept in check.  

Review Of Seed Stocks in Packets

Long Green Trailing - 10 Seeds - £1.95 - Jungle Seeds
Long Green Bush 2 - 20 Seeds - £2.19 - Mr Fothergill's - Sow By 2019

The Jungle Seeds were expensive when you see how many seeds you are getting for your money, but I bought them because at the time I wanted Rapunzel tomatoes and decided the get the order to a level where I was not paying for post and packaging.

Beware Jungle Seeds their packs don't have any information about when they were packaged or when they should be Sown By, there is no information about when to sow and when to harvest. I will not be buying from Jungle Seeds again.

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