
Monday 17 October 2022

Fleeting Visit

I had to go to Wimbledon in the afternoon and on the way back popped into the allotment to harvest some Celery, Runner beans and the first and the last of the mini muncher cucumbers. I have to say I'm not impressed in any way with them lots of flowers and one cucumber, they have without doubt been the worst cucumbers that I have ever tried to grow. 

There were many more runner beans on the cantilever frame, but now the lady birds have gone the aphids are beginning to take over so I've left those with aphids to dry out and will harvest them for their beans for saving. 

This has been a really good year for cabbages, next harvest Sunday. 

The grapevine is feeling the effect of Autumn 

This was Active Dalek 2 on the 9th October when I filled it up 

This was Active Dalek 2 on the 17th October eight days later  

Winter Lettuce not being attacked yet and holding its own 

Green Manure looking good and perhaps nearly getting to the point where I can chop, drop and cover and let the worms do their thing over the winter months.

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