
Sunday 18 September 2022

Sunday Visit


A Sunday morning on Avalon (Plots 1 & 1A) with Andy (Son-In-Law) then for the last hour Emma (Eldest daughter), who caught Andy and I on our second coffee break of the morning. Thanks for the company and the assist today guys! Harvested onions, Courgettes, Cabbage, Spring Onions and Runner Beans.

Trimmed the main path at the bottom of plot 1 and the side path between Plots 1 & 2. Didn't manage to clear the path between plot 1A & 2A job for another visit. The corner of the plot needs sorting this winter and the greenhouse climbing frame erected.

Bottom of Plot 1 trimmed up for Winter and the final edging and corner will be sorted out over the Winter months.

Path between plot 1 and Plot 2 trimmed, didn't quite get around to sorting out the path further up between plot 1A and 2A

Andy cleared the weeds in two more of the used beds and Winter Rye was sown in the bed at the bottom of the photo and Lucerne Alfalfa Green Manures were sown in the bed at the top of the photo. Sammy the squirrel appears to have worked out how to get the pop bottles off the cobs as the little B*stard has had another one away.

Last of the potatoes in buckets protected from the rain, to be harvested at a future visit. The bindweed in the walking onion bed needs to be cleared and the bolted Brassica need to be removed, chopped up and added to a Dalek during a future visit. More Runner Beans harvested and many more still growing.

View up Plot 1A, Caliente Mustard Green Manure growing in the bed in front of the leaf bin The bed before that needs clearing or dross and the blue water pipe need gathering up and a couple of hangers fixed to the wall to hang them on.

The Flame (Red Seedless) Grapevine has settled into its new configuration and the leaves on the top two runs are now around the right way and facing upwards towards the sun again.

Plot 1A paths clear of weeds, green manure to be sown in the empty beds on the next visit.

The two beds already sown with Caliente Mustard green manure looking good, but the paths and around the beds needs clearing of weeds.

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