
Thursday 7 July 2022

Way too hot!

We are experiencing a heat wave with temperatures forecast to get up to 34C in the coming week 
the watering bench in the back garden, with cucumbers and courgettes, and 3rd lot of Sweetcorn.

Cucumbers and Courgettes coming up fast.

Some of the sweetcorn didn't make the re potting but hopefully enough will survive for another beds worth.

I fill the active Dalek with kitchen waste, and harvest three square flower buckets of Sharps Express first early spuds. This active Dalek was full to the brim a week ago! Time to add more greens and the bucket of browns I brought down with me .

I tried to water with the reduced pressure on the site but there was not enough pressure to make the sprinkler work, so I ended up using the hand end piece which meant I could not potter as I was watering.

Beetroot Bed sown on Sunday afternoon watered but no sign of any seedlings so far, I'm just worried that if the seedling do start coming if the slugs and snails don't get them then the sun will just bake them to death as I can't get down to the plot daily to water them. I did really soak the bed and just hope the planting membrane will hod the water in the ground and not let it evaporate too fast.

I took out the staging table from the greenhouse and laid the plastic dog cage tray on it and emptied out the first flower bucket of Sharps Express first Early spuds and dug through the dry cube mass and extracted all the potatoes. 

Harvest of Sharps Express First Early spuds from the first square flower bucket. The heat on my back and the back of my head was so extreme that I know I would not be harvesting many buckets today. 

Harvest from first bucket in the corner and the second bucket tipped out

Second Square Flower Bucket emptied and before started to dig into the cube mass to find the potatoes. 

Total Harvest from the 3 Square Flower Buckets emptied during the visit, it was just too sunny and hot to harvest any more, my main reason for a visit was to water what I could as we've had very little rain for quite a while. 

There were enough spuds for a couple of meals over the weekend, and it was just too hot to be doing anything physical on the plot so I went home. I need to set up the Paracel again somehow to give me some shade when working at the potting table behind the greenhouse.  

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