
Sunday 3 July 2022

Sunday Afternoon Visit

Afternoon visit to harvest the onions that have fallen over, a little bit of white rot on some that I will clean them up once they have dried and I pull the skins off and clean them up a little.

Better looking Onions on the right of the drying rack

Bed cleared of weeds and 105 Boltardy Beetroots sown and watered in.

Square Foot Gardening Beds 1 & 2 growing well

Square Foot Gardening Bed 1 looking good a few mares tail coming up but everything in there looking good the beetroots have really grown and I'm thinking of harvesting some leaf's for salad.

Square Foot Gardening Bed 2 the Celery aren't really growing as fast as I thought they would and the Aubergines are a little stunted.

Two bags of weeds taken home for the rubbish

Swede and Turnips sown in modules ready for the clearance of the next two Onion Beds.

Michelle and I had a chat about onion white rot and Dogs being allowed on the allotments following an incident on another allotment site and the latest modified rulebook, as a result I will be holding a ballot on the dog issue to see if more than 50% of the current plot holders are happy to allow dogs on the plots.

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