
Tuesday 19 July 2022

Hottest Day in the UK

During the most uncomfortable day, the computer newsfeed on the computer told the story.

As predicted 40C was reached and exceeded 

There were a number of fires that started today, there was a map that showed them all on the newsfeed. We are used to seeing fires in the USA and Australia and they have been happening in Europe during these excessive hot weather periods. 

So many images of so many homes lost to fires in the UK today 

Not just the UK but images of Reservoirs around the world with reducing levels of water. In Wales which gets more than it's fair share of storms snow and rain a village that was flooded to form the Reservoir was once again exposed. 

So many have drowned today in bodies of water, rivers and quarries trying to keep cool! 

The human race can't ignore the warnings we have had for many years.

It was obviously not a day to be out in the sun working on the allotment. 
I missed it and hopefully it missed me as much.

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