
Wednesday 27 April 2022

Little Gem Cos Lettuce & French Dwarf Beans


Sowing Little Gem Cos Lettuce. Photo taken before a covering of fine compost was dusted over and it was watered in from the top and bottom.

15 Vending machine cups filled with Clover peat based compost (Yarda, yarda, yarda, not good for the environment etc. but until I can find a comparable peat free compost as good at a comparable price I will continue to use Clover for as long as it can be sourced.) 

I read about warming the compost up and decided that the tray with 15 modules of Vending machine cups should perhaps spend the night in the living room in front of the radiator and warm up slightly, before the Voltage French (Dwarf) Beans from Marshalls get sown tomorrow. 

Extract from Marshalls web site

  • Attractive yellow pods
  • Sweet tasting
  • Easy grow and harvesting

With eye-catching yellow pods and a delicious taste, try planting French Bean Dwarf Voltage seeds for a rich and exciting crop in the summer. French beans are a staple of many British kitchen gardens and allotments, complimenting other crops well and being a reliable vegetable season after season.

This pack of French Bean Dwarf Voltage seeds contains around 160 seeds, giving you a plentiful return after sowing. We suggest planting seeds 2inches (5cm) deep in suitable module trays or pots, in potting compost that’s pre-watered and kept warm indoors in April to May. The seeds can usually be sown outdoors after May.

French Bean Dwarf Voltage offers attractive yellow pods that are vibrant and enjoy an upright plant habit. This makes them easier for harvesting, which you can expect to be between June and September, and that pods reach around 7inches (15cm0 in length.

Adults and children will enjoy the sweet taste of French Bean Dwarf Voltage each summer and as an easy-grow variety, all the family can get involved in helping them mature and reach the dinner plate.

Now there is no way I need 160 beans that come in the pack, so I have bagged up 15 beans / small 57mm x 57mm zip bag and offered them to the other plot holders on my site to play with and trial this year. 

5 tomatoes germinated over night on the window cill in the little bedroom, so defiantly a good move bringing them from the Space Saver Greenhouse indoors. 

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