
Monday 14 March 2022

Grapevine (Vitis) Lakemore in Bed

A couple of hours down on the allotment and finally got the second variety of grapevine the KA1985 Grapevine (Vitis) Lakemore White (Seedless) which is supplied as a 3 litre potted plant for £19.99 from Suttons, in its bed after finding a brick path where I was going to plant it, and digging it out.

The fork didn't want to go in the ground so I got the coal shovel and found a brick path

There was originally a lot of gravel in this location and an early Google map showed a shed in this location.

I used my paving weeding tool to remove the bricks and then dug deeper before removing the bricks either side of the hole and filled the bottom the Equigrow Premium Compost

Equigrow Organic Green Compost in the bottom of the hole and then filled in around the pot for an exact fit, so I could ease the grape vine out of its pot and straight into the hole. 

Then Equigrow Fertile Mulch (Peat Free) #equigrow applied to the whole of the bed. I'm thinking my melons may grow nicely if planted either side of the bed they can travel towards the grape vine in the middle. 

New weed membrane for the path installed and woodchips laid between the two comfrey pipes. The one on the left has a broken bracket and has slipped down. I need to get a new bracket or two and build a better milk bottle holder and fix it. 

View from the bin storage area up the new path where the leaf bin used to be

Just need a tidy up of the beds and to get the last part of the path laid with weed membrane and covered in woodchips. But definitely need another delivery or woodchip.

Malling Juno (early)  Raspberries from the 
D.T.Brown - Long Cropping Raspberry Collection suddenly turning green and showing they are alive, I need to feed them some Ericaceous compost that I have made over the last couple of years from the apples from my trees in the back garden. 

Nice to see the leaf growth on the early Raspberries, and the capillary matting for the Quadgrows being cleaned off by the rain. 

Sorted out the water bottles on the bench on top of the potting table behind the greenhouse on plot 1, ready for hydrating the Coir now that I have a wheelbarrow free to do it in next morning weekend visit.

All to soon it was time for me to make my way home, but I was happy with what I had managed this visit, hopefully I will get another one in on Friday.  

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