
Saturday 12 February 2022

Mr Fothergill's Free Seeds

Mr Fothergill's give away a Free Trial Pack of seeds with seed order in the same way as D.T.Bowns do.

So having got this pack of seeds I kinda wanted to see what this particular variety of lettuce looked like. The pack gives a description of "Large, productive heads of mint-green leaves with a crispy texture and a sweet flavour. This Heirloom `Romaine Cos' variety is still popular today for reliable crops over a long season"  

And as D.T.Browns free trial pack of seeds they place an item code number on the bottom of the pack. This is the code that will be used in the following year when the seed goes from trial to being able to be purchased from the company.

Using that code does not give you a photograph or any information about the free seeds at all, during the trial year!  IMHO this is a little stupid as one then has to look elsewhere for information. 

Doing a Google search gives you links to others selling this variety of lettuce

Kings Seeds are selling this variety this year and it's NEW TO KINGS because it's a heritage that they may or may not have sold before. Lots of new varieties are only new to seed providers because they have not sold them before or are re introducing. Some seed providers develop and have exclusive versions before they start selling the seed stock more widely. 

So £1.40 for 1000 seeds from Kings Seeds 

Dobies are also selling Crisp Mint Lettuce but at £2.49 for 500 Seeds 

No price from Mr Fothergill's until next year, so 350 Seeds for nothing is the best price this year.

I do hope that the Mr Fothergill's & D.T.Brown's marketing teams see this posting and re think not putting any information about their trial packs on their web sites, as all it does is make you look else where for the missing information.  

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