
Sunday 23 January 2022

Rhubarb & Patio


Another productive morning on "Avalon" with my son-in-law Andy getting the paving slabs in front of the shed level and creating the patio area where we can both sit and have a coffee mid morning when he comes down to the allotment to help me.

I kept Andy supplied with wood chips from the corner of the plot and carried on digging and weeding the paths and third Rhubarb bed then moved the rhubarb from the first bed where it had been lodging into its own new bed filled with farmyard manure. So many weeds, Couch Grass, Bindweed, Mares Tail etc.

Finally I managed to clear an area larger than the bed and was ready for the frame of Rhubarb Bed 3 to be installed.

Rhubarb moved from bed 1 into it's own bed ready for 2022 and year 2 of its life, and this year I get to harvest some stalks. White pipe cut for corner to corner hoops to try and put the foxes off from digging in the nice new farm yard manure and compost in Rhubarb bed 3. 

There is no woodchip in the car park, I did have some piled up in the corner of the plot but it's composting down nicely. We used the bulk of what's left to level out the patio. 

One of our plot holders who lives 3 properties away from the site, has put a request in with our local friendly tree surgeon for some more woodchip.  

Andy after leveling the 600 x 600mm slabs in front of the Shed and removing some high spots and filling in some low spots after laying some membrane

At the moment the 600x 600mm slab is too snug a fit and needs to be trimmed a little before its replaced so two cut slabs are in the path at the bottom of the photo. 

We really need another 3 number 400mm x 400mm for in front of the chairs, I only have 450mm x 450mm so I need to either buy 3 slabs or keep a look out on freecycle for them, as that's where most of them have come from anyway. 

The 3 slabs on the left of Square Foot Garden Bed 2 in this picture need lining up with the ones on the patio area and the last load of woodchip has been dropped and leveled ready for relaying the 450mm x 450mm path from left to right in front of SFG Bed 2 in this photo.

The 3 slabs on the left of Square Foot Garden Bed 2 in this picture need lining up with the ones on the patio area and the last load of woodchip has been dropped and leveled ready for relaying the 450mm x 450mm path from left to right in front of SFG Bed 2 in this photo.

Once completed it will need a good broom and then a jet wash with the Worx Hydroshot.

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