
Sunday 16 January 2022

Infrastructure Works Continue

Emma & Andy arrived early this morning. Andy & I arrived at the allotment gates around 9:15. The sun tried to come out whilst we were down there during the morning and just about managed it as we left at 1pm to head home for Sunday lunch.

Below are photos and an explanation of what we managed to get done.

Runner Bean Frame after Andy replaced all the vertical bamboos with longer 5ft canes, diagonal bracing added to the frame. The lone Dalek is likely to be moved out and into Dalek Army One and I'm thinking perhaps a cold frame-ish structure or perhaps a seedless grape vine location taking the vine to the right towards the greenhouse on plot 1A

View down the plot looking at the Runner Bean Frame and into the Butt area that has the Comfrey Butt the Nettle Butt and a Water Butt for when there is a hosepipe ban. The square flower buckets with the glass panel over contains sand that needs to go into the sand butt for growing Bugs Bunny Carrots and the bed 2 needs to be cleared of the pallet and debris on a future visit. 

Butt area still needs to cleaning up and a tidy. I need another couple of solar powered pumps to oxygenate the comfrey and nettle on draft plant feed and keep it fresh. 

The dustbins that I have been acquiring off Freecycle that were on the path beside the greenhouse on plot 1 have been moved to a temporary location between narrow bed H1 and Bed 12 whilst the Storage area behind the line of various Butts is being cleaned out and finally paving slabs laid.

Rubbish Bins in temporary location on path between the onion bed 12 and Narrow bed H1 that tomatoes were grown in last year. Nice to see the Over Wintering Onions doing well in Bed 12

Closer view onion bed 12

View into what will be the Storage Area behind the water butts once cleared and paving slabs laid

View behind the greenhouse on plot 1 looking up the plot with the potting table behind the greenhouse and what will be the rubbish bin storage area once cleared and slabbed in the background.

Compost and Mulch stored behind the bread bin bases and under the plastic chairs which are there to stop Basil Brush and his mates getting into them.

Over Winter Onions in Bed 14 doing well

View from beside the greenhouse looking at the rear of the square foot gardening beds , next visit we intend to lay the rest of the slabs we have between SFG Bed 1 and the shed making a small patio area to sit on when we stop for a coffee break.

Closer view, Question: Do I cut the two small slabs or just bring the slabs away from the edge of the timber framing? The path will be 600 but the slabs are only 450 so I can woodchip either side. 
A question to sleep on I think but I may relocate the slab and infill with woodchips when the next load arrive. The bed for the Superdome Mini Polytunnel is going in between the SFG Beds and the wall for the Aubergines.

Bio Green Superdome

The slabs laid in front of SFG Bed 2 have compacted the woodchip and need to be releveled on the next visit so they meet with the slab forming the corner. Main path a little muddy with all the working and digging and weeding, needs brushing when dry and ultimately jet washing with the Worx Hydroshot using the water butts as no water on site until March

View from the main path up plot 1 with the square foot gardening beds on the left

Rhubarb Bed 3 given a couple of coats of red paint to be installed in place on a future visit and the Rhubarb plant squatting in Rhubarb Bed 1 to be relocated in it's final home on a new bed of manure.
Most of the woodchip on the tarp in the corner used today to level out the path behind the square foot gardening beds. The corner needs to be cleared of weeds and then a 1.8m x1.8m greenhouse frame is to be erected as a climbing frame for plants and flowers.
Other work done, the tree cut down last visit was cut up and placed in the yellow trug for John the fireman to use. Andy found another bag of bulbs that were planted by the entrance to Avalon.

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