
Friday 17 December 2021

In My Seed Box for 2022 - Swede


OK I admit when I think of swede it takes me back to my childhood as my Mum used to cook roast dinners all the time and swede was part of our staple diet, however since growing up and getting married it's not something that the wife is particularly fond off, but now as I am taking on more of the cooking duties and the fact that I have a packet "Best of All"  seed that came with the Grow Your Own magazine. I also picked up a couple of Carters Tested Seeds packs from Poundland in the sale, plus Dobies sent me a pack of Growrie to trial, so it's game on for 2022. 

Chatting with my sister-in-law Pauline who also had a plot on the same allotment site, until she moved away this year.  She has not had much luck growing swede in the past. 

With the additional half plot near completion I feel that space needs to be found to grow this vegetable in 2022 and that I should learn how to cook it !

I have a vague recollection of my old Mum boiling it, mashing it and adding butter, but I may be wrong !

New For 2022 - Growrie - 43 86 01 - Dobies -  500 Seeds - £2.49  - Packed year Ending 2022 

Resistant to both clubroot and powdery mildew, Gowrie is very winter hardy due to the high dry matter. Perfect to use throughout autumn and into the new year from October to late January.

This purple-skinned variety has good, firm flesh with consistent colour and very good taste. Gowrie is a variety bred in Scotland by The James Hutton Institute and awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit.

Sow Mid April - Mid June

Sow thinly into finely raked, warm, moist soil at a depth of 1cm in rows 45cm apart. (Germination 7-14 days). Thin seedlings to 15cm apart. Grow in well-cultivated soil; the addition of garden lime may improve crops. Keep well watered in dry weather. Twist off tops when harvesting.

Harvest Late September - January (Year 2).

Best of All  - 750 Seeds - FREE - Mr Fothergill's - Sow By 2021

Sow        May - Jun
Harvest  Oct - Mar

Invitation - 100 Seeds - 25p - Carters (Poundland) - Sow by 7/2021

Sow                Mid April - Mid Jun
Harvest          Nov - Feb
Germination  6 - 10 days 

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