
Saturday 13 November 2021

Paving Slabs Taken to Plot

Busy morning, took the paving slabs picked up yesterday afternoon down to the allotment. Laid two paths and distributed the rest around the Square Foot Gardening Beds to go in over the Winter during the "Infrastructure works period" of the year.

Came home cut up two Pallets and took them down to the allotment.

Cut half slabs in the front footwell, three 450x450mm slabs on each of the rear passengers seats which are covered to protect them and 3 layers of four paving slabs in the boot. Well she is a 7 seater and the springs should take the load OK!

First slabs taken up the plot and used to bridge from one main path to the other just past the TARDIS Greenhouse.

Weeded in front of the Square Foot Gardening Bed 2 and laid cardboard, weed membrane, woodchip and thumped flat with the rake then laid the next 3 paving slabs. 

The others have been distributed around the first two Square Foot Gardening Beds, ready for me to do the infrastructure works over the Winter months. Slabs and half slabs sitting on the Battenberg slabs I picked up last time from Freecycle, and slabs on SFG Bed 1

I went home and cut the two Pallets in half, loaded them up and took them to the plot.

1) because it makes it possible to get them in the back of the car and

2) Because I'm going to make something with them, not quite sure what at the moment but something will come to mind, even if its a Fox proof enclosure for sacks of compost or perhaps another onion drying rack, I also fancy a site sink and washing area if I find a stainless sink with single or double drainer.

Forgot to photograph this last week when it looked fuller but the leaf collection for 2021 is looking good.

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