
Saturday 6 November 2021

I Won the Equigrow Halloween Giveaway

I entered the Equigrow Halloween Giveaway competition on Facebook, and forgot about it completely, as one does not expecting to actually win it.

Then my fellow allotment site rep Karen J Smith posted congratulations on the Equigrow Facebook page and I found out that I had won!

Equigrow specialise in processing horse manure into top quality ready-to-use soil conditioner and fertiliser, full of essential nutrients to boost the fertility of your soil.

I'm really happy to have won, and I can use everything in the giveaway. I have Wolf tools and handles but didn't have that trowel until now. I had no pumpkin seeds for 2022 and needed to get some so I can grow some Pumpkins for next Halloween for my Daughters and their mates kids. Good quality gloves are always handy and I need to grow more flowers on my allotment in 2022 so I'm very happy.

I sent Equigrow my details and they are also going to send me some samples of their products to trial and review, which I'm really looking forward too.

I have no idea what they will be sending me to play with, but as you know if you are a regular visitor to the blog that I do like to put one new compost against another and see which one produces the better looking and more productive mini and micro tomatoes. I also have some new square foot gardening beds to fill and one can never have too much soil conditioner, mulch and compost. 

Equigrow's Fertile Mulch, Soil Conditioner and Organic Green Compost are all Peat Free and are available in Dumpy bags and 50L sacks. To find out more about them and their products visit their Facebook Page or Web Site

Keep an eye on to see what I receive and what I end up doing with it.

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