
Sunday 10 October 2021

Andy & Alan On The Plot

My son-in-law Andy came with me to the allotment this morning whilst my Daughters looked after Jen and got a nice roast dinner ready for lunch. 

The opening vent to the Plot 1 greenhouse was locked open for some reason and with the rain having got into the greenhouse the dredded blight was showing on the greenhouse tomatoes, so all the tomatoes were harvested and the bamboo support system taken down. In a future visit I need to empty out the quadgrows of water and move the staging back inside the greenhouse for the winter. 

Andy brought a water butt filled with grass clippings and leaves and put half into two of the Daleks I have been feeding in Dalek Army II. He then went to work on clearing the mares tail from the triangular area formed behind the Daleks and barrowed in an additional layer of woodchips laying the slab fragments as stepping stones. 

Andy cleared the weeds from the first hoop covered onion bed and laid the winter weed membrane over to keep the soil protected and warm over winter. 

1575 grams of Sarpo Kilfi potatoes from a bucket were harvested 

Another small square flower bucket of first earlies was harvested, along with two  deep Chicken Takeaway containers of Raspberries. More Onions from the hanging frames brought home for Emma and most of the tomatoes from the last remaining tomato plant out on the plot. The tomatoes will be put in the Space Saver Greenhouse to ripen off. 

When we arrived we noticed that one of the apple trees had been brought to the ground and I suspect fowl play as some of the branches were broken. 

I just hope if someone was trying to use it to climb out of the allotment site that when the tree came down and they hit the bed it took the wind out of them. 

Andy & I stopped a couple of times during the morning for a hot chocolate and then for a coffee, ultimately rain stopped play around 12:15pm and we made our way home for a nice roast dinner. 

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