
Saturday 4 September 2021

September Sowing Guide

 Use the links I have in the left margin and visit seed suppliers, they just love to tell you what you can buy and grow each month.

Here is a prime example from MoreVeg 


September Sowing Guide


Some vegetables will need to be sown under cover or with the protection of cloches or fleece as the temperatures dip, other varieties can still be sown in the open.  Full details can be found on every packet. 


Baby Leaf – Astra, Barese, Catalogna Cerbiatta, Deronda, Italiko Rosso, Red Carpet, Red Wizard, Rubino, Sangrai and the mixes too

Beetroot – Early Wonder

Broccoli Raab

Cabbages – Wheelers Imperial

Cauliflower – All Year Round & Orkney

Chicory – Brussels Witloof & Pain de Sucre

Chinese Broccoli – Kaibroc & Rafiki

Choy Sum – Fuubi, Gunsho, Red Hon Tsai-Tai & Purple

Collards – Champion, Flash, Morris Heading & Vates

Corn Salad – D’Orlanda, Dutch Broad Leaf, Elan, Verte de Cambrai & Vit

Cress – all 6 choices

Endive – Catalogna Garnet Stem, Cornet de Bordeaux & Paniclieri

Kale – Premier & Scarlet

Kohl Rabi – Korfu

Komatsuna – Malachai & Samurai

Leaf Beet – lots of choices including Perpetual Spinach

Lettuce –Black Seeded Simpson, Bountiful Blend, Cantarix, Crispino, Freckles, Gilaad, Lobjoits, Marvel of Four Seasons, Prizehead, Red Grenoble, Rouge de Hiver, Trocadero & Waldman’s Dark Green

Mibuna, Minutina, Mitsuba & Mizuna

Mustard Leaves – 8 choices


Onion - Hi Keeper F1, Kosma & Musona White Italian

Orach – Scarlet Emperor

Pak Choi – Golden Yellow, Green Revolution, Hanakan, Joi Choi, Summer Breeze,Tatsoi Rosette & Yuushou


Parsley – Bravour, Extra Triple Curled, French Plain Leaf & Laura

Pea – Avola

Purslane – summer and winter

Radish – Crimson Giant, French Breakfast, Malaga Violet, Miyashige (mooli type), Saxa & Sparkler

Rhubarb – Champagne

Rocket – Esmee, Give, Napoli, Rucola & Wild Rocket

Spinach – Amazon, Avon, Banjo, Gazelle, Giant Winter, Harp, Matador, Medania, Renegade & Trombone

Spring Onions – Eiffel, Entita, Parade, Summer Island, Tipika, White Lisbon & Winter Hardy White Lisbon

Strawberries – Alexandria, Alpine Yellow & Wild Strawberry

Texel Greens

Turkish Rocket

Turnips – Goldana & Snowball

Flowers –Agrostemma, Ammi Majus, Foxglove, Honessty, Larkspur, Limnanthes, Malva, Ox-Eye Daisy and Poppies (Papaver Shirley Doubles will flower for months in any sunny space you can spare)

Herbs – British Basil (inside), Caraway, Celery Leaf, Chervil, Coriander Filtro, Lavender, Marsh Mallow, Stridolo & Sweet Cicely

Green Manure –  Crimson Clover, Field Mustard & Phacelia

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