
Wednesday 1 September 2021

Planning and Reviewing September in Previous Years

 Reviewing the diary over the last Eight years for September

2013 - My First September having obtained the allotment in October 2012 - At the first of September 9 of the 16 beds were complete and had been used for growing during 2013 the central path of 600 x 600mm heavy duty ex council road slabs was finished. My first corn on the cobs were harvested and a major hit with my daughter Kelly, A second visit to the Wyevale 50p seed sale was made. I was still harvesting red tomatoes and Blight hit on the 14th September. Last runner beans harvested last week of September.  

2014 - Dorking Wyevale 50p seed sale 2nd September, two £5 Space saving water butts picked up for the greenhouse from TESCO due to a marketing error they had to honour. First discussion with Redrow regarding them helping us form a drop off and pick up arear, I didn't know then that it would take another four years to actually make this happen. Harvested carrots and obtained more composting bins off Freecycle. Repairing Planting membrane and making new planting membrane using the trusty soldering iron. Making a Pop Bottle Greenhouse, if only I had known then what a pain in the arse getting rid of it was going to be! Harvesting.   

2015 - Took on additional plot on Spencer Road as I thought there would not be anywhere to drop off and pick up at Mill Green once the development was completed and negotiations re it's formation were not very good with the Council and Redrow at that time. Harvested sweetcorn mid September   

2016 - Tomatoes finally turn red and are harvested. We found a source for woodchips, 2nd Visit to the Wyevale Seed Sale, 72 Senshyu Yellow Japanise Onions from seed to overwinter, Seed Sorting and Labels, 2nd week of September harvesting Sweetcorn. Crimson Crush, Butternut Squash, meeting with council and Redrow as mound of excavation behind access gate.     

2017 -  Allotment work party arranged to clear the area for the drop off and pick up area on Mill Green, Sarpo Spuds, Pumpkin, Marrow, Sweetcorn, Walking Onions, Wilkinson's Sale, SoilFixer SF60 Overwintering Onions Experiment, Timber Bench taken to site and made into a Potting Bench. Still harvesting Cucumbers at the end of the month.

2018 -  3rd Sept harvesting sweetcorn, 7th September Wilko seed sale, Second week harvesting tomatoes, followed by harvesting Beetroots and pickling, carrots and cucumbers & weeding .Power Planter trial and review. Infrastructure cutting up timber joists and painting them ready to make bed frames up for plot 1 
2019 -  Seed saving Cucumbers and harvesting Marshalls Alliance Sweetcorn.12th Sept Carrot harvest. Making a beach hut for a wedding! Using the Power Planter to install kerbstones around the allotment. Harvesting Butternut Squash. Bonfires on Allotments are a contentious issue.

2020 -  Marshalls Autumn Catalogue arrived,  Ken Muir's fruit & Suttons Catalogues arrive. Pre Blight Tomato Harvest. New Potatoes from the last 3 buckets harvested. Green Toms in Greenhouse Turn Red. Thompson & Morgan's Autumn Catalogue arrived. Mr Fothergills Autumn Catalogue arrived. Green manure grown.  Spent Compost from tomatoes and potatoes added to beds. My videos were shown on Sean James Cameron podcast. D.T.Browns Autumn Catalogue arrived. Clearing around the shed ready for demolition of wall. Planning the Square Foot Gardening beds. Another temporary roof covering on the plot 1A shed. Decanting contents of the shed to a tarp covered palleted bed with blue water pipe hoops as demolition of wall expected . Mentioned in dispatches on Thompson & Morgan's blog.
To Do List  

Below is the to do list in no particular order and catching up with what actually happened in August and what has slipped. 

Mill Green - Plot 1A
  • Re Add additional supporting timbers to the roof of the shed - TBD
  • Fix the potting Bench - TBD. 
  • Tidy Up the Allotment  - Ongoing 
  • Weeding - Ongoing
  • Greenhouse -  Clear and install shading internally. 

Mill Green - Plot 1

  • Potatoes - Complete harvesting the first early spuds 
  • Square Foot Gardening Beds - Two beds formed but were too late for planting up this year. Over winter get the 3rd bed in and get ready for next years season  
  • Beds and Paths - Two Rhubarb beds are dug and installed, need to get the third bed done and transplant the Rhubarb from bed 1 into bed 3    
  • Install the kerb edging along the bottom of Plot 1 - TBD
  • Clear the weeds and install a 600mm margin around the perimeter of the plot - TBD
  • Tidy Up the Allotment - Ongoing 
  • Planning - Ongoing
  • Cut Planting Membrane - Make square foot gardening bed blanks
  • Space Saver Greenhouse - Clear and get ready for Over Wintering. 

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